Elder scrolls online size

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Rich explains, “players were very vocal about the game and what it was and what it wasn’t.” As Tamriel’s first multiplayer online game, it had a good backbone. Reeling it back to the beginning, The Elder Scrolls Online had a rocky start. While its Deadlands DLC may be the end for this year’s content, there’s always more just over the horizon.

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To celebrate the cataclysmic conclusion to the Blackwoodand Gates of Oblivion adventure, we had the chance to chat with Creative Director Rich Lambert about the legacy and evolution of ESO.

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The team at ZeniMax Online Studios is persistent with pumping out quality and quantity when it comes to updates for its now seven-year-old game. In fact, this past year has been its strongest year since launch, reaching 19 million players across the board.

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The Elder Scrolls Online continues to be one of the most popular MMOs out there.

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Creative Director Rich Lambert on the legacy and evolution at the end of the Gates of Oblivion.